Boom Beach

Lt. Hammerman leads the Blackguard in their conquest of the local islands in Boom Beach and you are brought in to stop them. By raising an army and creating a stronghold of your own, you can try to stop their mysterious invasion. Discover their purpose and enjoy a fun strategy game where you and your friends take on the evil genius of the Blackguard!
The game will have you liberate each island from the Blackguard and for every successful attack, its inhabitants will thank you. That "thanks" takes the form of an hourly gold income. The more islands you free up the more gold you will have. Many of these places are hidden behind a fog of war, which both your Radar and spending gold will reveal. You're also expected to build up your home base's defenses so as to deter any would-be attackers from running you over.
As you progress through the game, you'll find even more things to do, including the sporadic PvP activities which is in contrast to the game's PvE-heavy content. For the end game, you can join a Task Force, which is basically a guild. These Task Forces can go on group missions for special boss islands and are a fun social place to be.